Meet Allie.

Allie Mason Hoffberg is the founder of The Health Mason, LLC., an Instagram and blog aimed at empowering women to live healthier, more nutritious, and well-balanced lives. On her blog & Instagram, Allie shares snippets of her everyday life, highlighting her love of cleaner beauty, less-toxic living, wellness, style, home, eats and more.

Allie’s passion for health and wellness fuels her drive to find simple solutions to eating well, and to live a life based on holistic foundations. Allie lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband Yale, son Miles and their rescue pup, Buzz.

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

It is hard to believe Mother’s Day is almost here again! If you’re like me and my mom, odds are your mom doesn’t want any gifts for Mother’s Day, but you always want to treat her to a little something…right? While a card certainly should suffice, it is so nice to treat your mama to a little something special. She did birth you after all!

That being said, Mother’s Day always seems to sneak up on me, so this year I want to be ULTRA prepared, and have my mom’s gift ready to go well in advance. I’ll be getting her one of the things on this list, but wanted to share a bunch of options with you in case you were struggling with what you get your mama this year.

Lake Pajamas Set: You already knew Lake Pajamas would be on this list. I think they’ll be on most of my gift guides from here on out. They are just my all time favorite. I have two pairs of the PJs and one of the robes. I’ll link a few of my favorites below!

Upgraded Gardening Essentials: My parents have always had a beautifully manicured yard and garden. However, I’ve noticed as of late her gardening tools are a little old, dirty (rightfully so), and have seen better days. While chic gardening equipment isn’t necessary for success, it sure is fun to have! Plus, garden gear isn’t something I think most people truly love buying for themselves. I’d much rather have someone give it to me as a gift! I’ve picked out a few items below that I think are super practical, and look great! I love the idea of filling up THIS garden cart with a bounty of new tools for your mom to enjoy!

Mini Candle Set: I absolutely love this candle company, and think a mini candle set would make the perfect gift. I know some people reserve candle use to the fall/winter months, but we burn them all year long. I love that your mama can try all three of these scents and scatter them throughout her home!

Weezie Towels Set: I love Weezie. While I only have their adorable makeup towels, they are soooo soft and I am dying to try more of their goodies. I think their robes would make the best gift! I’m hoping to gift one to myself too…can’t ever have enough robes!

Casper Glow Light: I think this amazing Glow light would make the perfect gift for a new mom (or dad!). It has many user-friendly touch features, which are so cool. Flip it over to turn the light on, jiggle it to set it to the dimmest setting (perfect for midnight bathroom runs, or in a new mom’s case, to change baby’s diaper). I also use mine as my “alarm” to help me wake up with a mimicked sunrise. It is my favorite product of the year so far!

Fresh Flowers: There is something to be said about a beautiful fresh floral arrangement. I recently learned about Terrain’s fresh bouquets, and will definitely be taking advantage. They are reasonably priced for the number of flowers you receive. Especially during times like these, it’s nice to order something living and beautiful like flowers. Flowers are always my favorite. I’ve linked a few of my favorite arrangements and bouquets below.

Cookbooks: I feel like cookbooks are always a great bet for Mother’s Day gifts. There are so many great new cookbooks out right now. My personal favorite is my friend Laura Lea’s new book, Simply Laura Lea. I’ll also link a few other great options below!

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