Meet Allie.

Allie Mason Hoffberg is the founder of The Health Mason, LLC., an Instagram and blog aimed at empowering women to live healthier, more nutritious, and well-balanced lives. On her blog & Instagram, Allie shares snippets of her everyday life, highlighting her love of cleaner beauty, less-toxic living, wellness, style, home, eats and more.

Allie’s passion for health and wellness fuels her drive to find simple solutions to eating well, and to live a life based on holistic foundations. Allie lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband Yale, son Miles and their rescue pup, Buzz.

Tips For Reducing Bloat: Part 2

Tips For Reducing Bloat: Part 2

Feeling bloated? Me too. Honestly, who doesn’t experience bloat from time to time? I think I deal with bloat a bit more than the average person (thanks to my gut and digestive issues…but we’re working on those), so have tried what feels like ALL of the remedies to sort out my bloat issues when they arise. Bloat is one of those frustrating things that can come on out of nowhere! Women deal with bloat more than men thanks to our hormonal cycles, so I hope this post will be of benefit to all of my ladies in some way.

As I mentioned above, bloat, to a certain extent, is normal. Between cyclical changes, food sensitivities, heavy/indulgent meals, certain beverages, etc, bloat can be a common “issue”. What’s not normal is feeling bloated 24/7, in which case you will want to seek the help of a medical professional. I deal with bloat almost 24/7, which is how I figured out I had a number of gut issues. If you think your bloat is abnormal, please seek professional advice.

I’ve shared a bloat-related blog post before, but thought I’d update that with more of the products I am using now! I still love all of the products mentioned in this post, but have added other options to the mix! Please leave a comment below if you have any other great bloat-reducing tips!

Dry Brushing: I believe I included this tip in my previous bloat blog post, but it is still one of my favorites. Not only is dry brushing great for skin exfoliation, but it helps aid in lymphatic drainage. Dry brushing is great because it quickly promotes blood circulation (which you’ll see when your skin develops a light pink hue after a few minutes), to promote movement in the lymph system. This can help with water retention and is great for bloat, in my experience. I recommend dry brushing before taking a shower, and applying a great moisturizer afterwards. Not a fan of dry brushing, I purchased these scrubbing cloths to use all over my body (not face) in the shower after taking a bath. Definitely helps exfoliate the skin, but I also think rubbing it all around my midsection helps with reducing bloat as well.

Light Movement: I have found gentle yoga, and certain yoga poses to be really helpful in reducing the discomfort caused by a distended belly. I am a huge fan of Yoga With Adriene whose workout videos and approach to yoga I love, but there are tons of great videos on YouTube you might find helpful! In addition to my walks, I find light yoga and certain twisty positions to be great in relieving bloat. Hate yoga? Try taking a walk after a meal! We walk Buzz most nights after dinner which helps keep things moving.

Squatty Potty: If you haven’t heard of a Squatty Potty before, let me fill you in. A squatty potty is a little stool that resides at the base of your toilet, which helps allow waste to pass more easily by elevating your legs to a more “natural” elimination position. It is said that modern toilets are actually not designed to help you go, and by raising the position of your legs a few inches to bring your knees up can promote more effective waste elimination. YOU CATCH MY DRIFT? We’ve been using a Squatty Potty for 3 years and it has CHANGED THE GAME! Seriously. I was anti-SP for awhile because I didn’t think there was anyway it could make a difference. That was until I got so fed up with feeling like I wasn’t fully eliminating, I caved. It might’ve been the best $24 I’ve ever spent. We now keep one in our guest room, as well as our master bathroom. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, ok?! Trust me. Sexy? No. Worth it? Yes!

Debloating Supplements: Ok I feel like this is the thing everyone is really hoping for in blog posts like these: EASY quick fix (sorry, but it’s true) remedies that require little to no effort! Am I right?? That’s how I am at least! These are definitely bandaid solutions, but they definitely help take the edge off when my bloat feels out of control or too uncomfortable for me to handle. ALSO! Disclaimer: do not start a new supplement without consulting your doctor first. I am not a medical professional, and the information on this post is not intended to treat or cure any illness or disease. I have three favorites right now that I am rotating between. I am also testing this supplement from Love Wellness and will report back if it works.

My favorite de-bloating supplement is the Arrae supplement. I heard amazing things about it from influencers all over Instagram, so decided to give it a try for myself. Unfortunately, I don’t have a discount code to share, but I’ve been using Jordan Younger’s code “BLONDE” for free shipping on my orders (while the code is active). I take 2-3 of these supplements when I feel bloated and I SWEAR they make a difference. Huge fan.

Another supplement I use (and mentioned in my previous post) is Atrantil. This is a great supplement for those like me with IBS or SIBO. I find it helps alleviate bloat, but also helps promote healthy bowel function. It is a good one to have on hand always. I buy on Amazon or at my local health foods store. I also LOVE these peppermint supplements if I am dealing with some mild bloat or stomach discomfort. Take them with a lot of water, and don’t be alarmed when you start tasting peppermint in your throat 30 minutes or so after taking them. They are strong so start with one! I love these though and they are very affordable.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am only sharing tips that have worked for me, my body and my experience. Do not start a new supplement without consulting your doctor first. The information on this post is not intended to treat or cure any illness or disease.

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