Meet Allie.

Allie Mason Hoffberg is the founder of The Health Mason®, LLC., an Instagram and blog aimed at empowering women to live healthier, more nutritious, and well-balanced lives. On her blog & Instagram, Allie shares snippets of her everyday life, highlighting her love of cleaner beauty, less-toxic living, wellness, style, home, eats and more.

Allie’s passion for health and wellness fuels her drive to find simple solutions to eating well, and to live a life based on holistic foundations. Allie lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband Yale and their rescue pup, Buzz.

Natural Cold Remedies To Swear By

Natural Cold Remedies To Swear By

Happy autumn! It officially feels like fall in Baltimore with a crisp breeze in the air and leaves all over the ground. The basic girl in me is absolutely thriving. However, something not so great about fall/winter is the higher likelihood of getting a cold. The worst. We all know the feeling when a cold is trying to ruin your week…scratchy throat, sneezing, exhaustion. But recognizing these symptoms is GOOD, it means you can get yourself on the road to health that much sooner! Here are some of my go-to tips for combatting cold and flu season. I used to get colds once a month, and now thanks to these tips I’ve learned over the years, colds are hard to come by for me! Use one or use them all, I bet you’ll be feeling much better in no time!

Bone Broth (or Veggie Broth): Ok yes, I am hooked on bone broth just like the rest of the world. When I am feeling a cold coming on, I will sip on it a few times a day, and maybe for a day or two, until the initial symptoms subside. I enjoy making a little bone broth tonic that consists of collagen peptides, turmeric, garlic powder, herbs and adaptogens (full recipe HERE). My absolute favorite is Bonafide Provisions, but if you can’t find it in your grocery store, any bone broth should do the trick (just check the ingredients).

Manuka Honey: I know what you’re thinking, “Allie, WHY does it have to be manuka honey?? Won’t regular honey work?” probably, but I prefer manuka for it’s crazy healing, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey is good for a quick, on the go, take at the first sign of a cold remedy. I absolutely LOVE the Wedderspoon on the go manuka honey packets, for this time of year. I literally keep a bunch in my purse and car at all times. Not only are they great for fighting a cold, but they’re absolutely amazing for an energy burst (which can be hard to come by when you’re feeling icky). HERE is a link to the Wedderspoon packets! They also have amazing manuka honey cough drops which are delicious and sooth a scratchy throat. 

Adaptogens: You’ve heard me RAVE about adaptogens time and time again, but I credit my A+ health during cold and flu season to adaptogens. HERE is a link to my post featuring my favorite Sun Potion products, but very quickly, here are a few that I include in my cold and flu tea: chaga, reishi and ashwagandha. Want to make this tea? Boil 10oz of water in your tea kettle and add ½ teaspoon of each adaptogen to a mug. I also like to add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and the juice from ½ a lemon. This is my go-to cold and flu tonic before bed. Works like MAGIC! I swear. 

Apple Cider Vinegar: Something I always have on hand during this time of year is apple cider vinegar. It is great because it allows for natural detoxification, which is crucial for getting rid of that cold fast! It also helps eliminate candida overgrowth, which can be linked to a whole host of health issues. I add it to my bone broth, or add 1 tablespoon to 8oz of filtered water (spice it up a bit with some cayenne pepper and lemon). Be sure to get the ACV that is raw and contains the “mother”.

Probiotics: It’s certainly true that an unhappy gut can lead to an unhappy immune system. Whenever I feel a cold coming on, I pop a probiotic to get my gut health back in check. I’ve heard that probiotics can help increase innate immunity. So pretty much, when in doubt, pop a probiotic! The two that I like are Silverfern Brand "Ultimate Probiotic" as well as Flora's Udo's Choice "Super 8 Hi-Potency Probiotic". Find what works for you, and try to take them daily. I tend to forget to take my probiotic supplements, but I always make sure to take them when I feel a cold coming on. 

Carrot & Raisin Bran Energy Bars

Carrot & Raisin Bran Energy Bars

Pumpkin Spice "Cookie Dough" Bites

Pumpkin Spice "Cookie Dough" Bites