Meet Allie.

Allie Mason Hoffberg is the founder of The Health Mason, LLC., an Instagram and blog aimed at empowering women to live healthier, more nutritious, and well-balanced lives. On her blog & Instagram, Allie shares snippets of her everyday life, highlighting her love of cleaner beauty, less-toxic living, wellness, style, home, eats and more.

Allie’s passion for health and wellness fuels her drive to find simple solutions to eating well, and to live a life based on holistic foundations. Allie lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband Yale, son Miles and their rescue pup, Buzz.

What Is Seed Cycling? Seed Cycling 101

What Is Seed Cycling? Seed Cycling 101

This post is part of a paid collaboration with Funk it Wellness. Thank you FIW for sponsoring this post. Check out Funk it Wellness seed cycling blends HERE and use code ALLIE15 for a discount!

Back in December, I decided to go off the Pill after 14 long years on it (more on that here). While it was a scary decision, because I was (and still am) afraid of the repercussions of being on the pill for that long, I knew it was time to come off and give my body time to learn how to balance and manage my hormones naturally.

When coming off birth control, I wanted to make sure I was giving my body the nutrients it needed, and especially consider any vitamin or mineral deficiencies that typically occur when on the pill for long periods of time. I added a number of supplements into my diet (with the help and guidance of my dietitian, Carli Kilgore), but also wanted to give seed cycling a try. I had heard about seed cycling for years but never really knew what it meant, how it worked, or how it could help balance your hormones. And since I like to get as many of my vitamins and minerals directly from food whenever possible, seed cycling seemed like a great option for me.

So what is seed cycling? In short, seed cycling is the routine of eating specific seeds during different days of your cycle, to help reduce common PMS symptoms. Seed cycling is an alternative medicine practice that may help regulate reproductive hormones. Something I gathered from my seed cycling research was this: it seemed easy enough!

Why seeds? The seeds used for seed cycling contain specific vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids that are believed to support and aid in proper hormonal function. Pumpkin and Flax seeds contain Magnesium, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and Zinc, which are proven to support mood swings, cramping and migraines associated with PMS. Sesame and Sunflower seeds contain Thiamine, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B6, which also scientifically support PMS related anxiety, sore, swollen and tender boobs, and cravings.

How does it work? Did you know your hormonal cycle has two cycles? Yep! The Follicular phase (Days 1-14) and the Luteal phase (Days 15-28). It is important to know this information while seed cycling because during those particular phases of your cycle, you’ll be consuming different seeds to best support your body and hormones.

To support your Follicular phase (days 1-14), it is recommended to consume one tablespoon of raw, ground pumpkin seeds and one tablespoon of raw, ground flax seeds from day one of your period until the day before you ovulate. The Follicular phase lasts approximately 2 weeks for most women.

To support your Luteal phase (days 15-28), you’d switch your seeds to one tablespoon each of raw, ground sunflower and sesame seeds per day from ovulation until the day before the first day of your period. Again, this phase typically lasts 2 weeks for most women.

My experience: I started seed cycling in early January 2021, a few weeks after I went off the pill. It was a relatively easy process! After figuring out where I was in my cycle (which took a little trial and error), I would just take 2 tablespoons per day of my appropriate Funk it Wellness seed blends. While you can certainly make your own seed blends at home, I am all about convenience, and knew I’d stick with seed cycling if I had the seed blends mailed to me each month. Funk it Wellness makes the process so easy.

When I did finally get my period for the first time after coming off the pill, I was worried it would be extra painful or I would be super bloated! While I had some mild cramping and a little bloat, nothing compared to the symptoms I’d face on my “period” while on the pill. Was it the seeds? Maybe! I certainly think they helped me manage my period symptoms!

I truly believe seed cycling helped me get my period back after 3 months off of the pill. Similarly, I feel like my skin looks healthier and I have great energy when I take my seeds. I simply add them to smoothies, make seed balls (recipe here), sprinkle them on toast, or add them to salads!

I am truly obsessed and will be using seeds to support my hormones for years to come, I’m sure! It is so nice to support my body with food, and I love how easy Funk it Wellness makes the process to be!

Use my code ALLIE15 for a discount on your Funk It Wellness seeds!!

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