Meet Allie.

Allie Mason Hoffberg is the founder of The Health Mason, LLC., an Instagram and blog aimed at empowering women to live healthier, more nutritious, and well-balanced lives. On her blog & Instagram, Allie shares snippets of her everyday life, highlighting her love of cleaner beauty, less-toxic living, wellness, style, home, eats and more.

Allie’s passion for health and wellness fuels her drive to find simple solutions to eating well, and to live a life based on holistic foundations. Allie lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband Yale, son Miles and their rescue pup, Buzz.

Sakara 3-Day Meal Delivery: My Experience

Sakara 3-Day Meal Delivery: My Experience

Happy Thursday friends! Gosh I feel like this week is flying by! I am so excited to be sharing this post, because I just fished my first 3-Day Signature Program (Level 1) meal delivery from Sakara! I wanted to share my experience here, because before doing their 3-Day program, I didn’t know what to expect from their meals, or the delivery service. I actually already owned the Sakara cookbook, so knew the Sakara meals LOOKED delicious, but I had no clue how they’d taste (spoiler…they’re incredible).

Some of you may (or may not) be wondering if these meals are candida-cleanse compatible, and I found for the most part they were. Most of their meals are low sugar and low carb, which worked fine for me. You’ll see below, I didn’t experience any digestive discomfort and if there were any foods on the “avoid” list for my cleanse (mushrooms, etc.), I simply didn’t eat them. If you are following the Cabral CBO protocol for your gut health, these meals would not be acceptable within the first 21 days.

I am also a big time fan of the Clean Boutique, which I will talk more about later in this post. Based off the Clean Boutique alone, I should’ve known the meals would’ve been absolutely delicious (I am obsessed with the Sakara Clean Boutique). Also, I had no clue when to expect my meal delivery. I noticed after the fact that when you place your order, the window delivery time (for my area at least) was between midnight and 6am! My meals were delivered just before 3am which BLEW my mind! I appreciate how prompt Sakara is, and how they go out of their way to make sure people have their breakfast in the morning! Anyway! Here are my initial impressions on the Sakara Level 1 program. Make sure to read through the entire post to see how you can get a discount on your first Sakara meal program order!

1. The food is REALLY good!: You guessed it! The food is absolutely incredible. Seriously, I wasn’t expecting to LOVE every meal I was sent, but after the program was over, I wish I had more food! I am already looking forward to ordering another 3- or 5-day program! And hope to do a Level II Detox sometime this Spring!

My favorite meals were the Pink Poppyseed Muffin with Strawberry Jam as well as their Vegan Grilled “Cheese” with the famous Sakara bread and a delicious green salad! But truly, eating healthy food never tasted so good. I’m not entirely sure how they do it!

2. Quality ingredients make a big difference: Many of the ingredients in the Sakara meals are organic, but all of the meals are plant-based (however some meals contain honey or bee pollen!). I also appreciate the fact that many meals focus on green veggies (something I always strive to get in during the day at least twice!). I was so impressed with the quality of the meals, and how everything was presented and how fresh it all was! I know one of the big belief systems with the Sakara lifestyle is to “eat your water” aka, consume water-dense foods. I found this to be relevant with the Sakara 3-day plan, as there were so many delicious, juicy, raw veggies to enjoy! Quality is EVERYTHING with food, and Sakara kills the game there.

3. I felt full, without feeling bloated: If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably heard me talk about how infrequently I sit down for lunch. Part of the reason behind this is I am TERRIBLE at meal prep, and never know what to eat for lunch. And another part of this is the fact that I usually find myself really bloated if I eat lunch. This is partly to do with my candida issues, but for whatever reason, when I was eating my Sakara meals, I didn’t really feel bloated after lunchtime! Instead, I felt full, yet energized! This was awesome for me!

4. Great for pre-event prep, or post-event reset: Ok I can totally see why people do Sakara meals before an event, or maybe after a weekend when they made a few poor dietary choices. Given the food is clean, and full of fiber, it definitely helps promote bowel motility. I just felt the meals made me feel rejuvenated and clean…does that make sense? I wish I had considered the Sakara bridal plan before my wedding! But will use it as a tool before other friends’ weddings or events!

5. Clean boutique staples and favorites: I briefly mentioned earlier my love of the Sakara Clean Boutique. At this point, I’ve tried MANY of their boutique products. I really love all of them that I’ve tried. The Energy and Detox Bars are my favorite (I don’t love the Beauty Bar…to be honest). And think the chocolates are delicious. I’ve also noticed a great difference in my skin tone and brightness when I use their beauty drops! Check out a haul I posted on my IGTV here! I need to try their protein powders and crackers/snacks, and will be sure to do another IGTV haul when I have tried all of the products!

Want to try Sakara for yourself? Use my code “XOTHM” at checkout and receive a discount on your first meal delivery or 10-day reset for new members! Have you tried Sakara? What were your thoughts?? Leave your comments below!

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Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Sakara, but does contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission thanks to your order via these links.

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